Cleaning? Faster inquiries, happier customers

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Servizio di pulizia in azienda


Offer your customers a tool to speed up the order process and to improve customer satisfaction.

Let’s start from this assumption: customers are always in a hurry. They have little time to devote to anything that is not strictly related to the business. Especially if it is an employee of a small or medium-sized company.

Then, taking care of everything related to the cleaning or maintenance of the premises is at the bottom of the to-do list: remembering to order a new supply of hand sanitizer or requesting the cleaning of a room is one more thing to do. one would gladly do without.

How to offer a cleaning service that is both efficient and stress-free for your customers?

The advantages of dematerialization

One solution is the dematerialisation of the service request process. In other words, offer the client company a digital tool that allows them to order the desired service in seconds.

With the SARS Covid-19 pandemic purchasing habits have changed: the barriers that previously relegated online shopping to an underused alternative to purchases on the spot or made by telephone have been definitively demolished. Even in a corporate environment, those in charge of purchasing and dealing with suppliers have begun to prefer a faster and more dematerialized relationship.

Adopting a digital tool would help you to:

  • process customer inquiries faster
  • appear avant-garde and enhance your brand image
  • offer a more efficient service and, therefore, increase the degree of
    satisfaction of your customers
  • increase profits thanks to more requests

Every company has its own needs. However, if you are looking for a tool that is flexible and adaptable to your offering, then Jaqui could be for you.

Preparazione della sala per un meeting aziendale

Jaqui and on-site services

On-site services are all those services that take place on site, therefore they include all cleaning and maintenance interventions on company spaces. The Jaqui app allows you to manage their application process and organization through the IFM function.

Users order the services they need on the app from those you have listed, selecting the options they prefer. Then, they choose the date and time according to the timing you have established and select the agreed payment method. All in a matter of minutes.

You can define the offer in detail, manage all requests and download the reports for tax management from a single management system.

The speed and practicality of the service offered are competitive advantages that make your company stronger when compared to the main competitors. One possible use of the IFM function, for example, is to allow your customers to request additions to the service offered.

Let’s assume that the client company needs to schedule an extra cleaning with respect to the agreed schedule, because an important meeting with very interesting prospects will be held the following week. The referent, therefore, wants everything to be in perfect order.

Enter the app and choose the “room cleaning and preparation” service. Before concluding the order, however, some additional options appear that you have decided to include: type of table arrangement (horseshoe, in line…), addition of bottles of water and glasses, supply of notepads and pens, etc. The contact person then details his request more and more and, in the end, concludes the order.

You will receive the specifics of the request complete with all the useful information and your client will not have needed to contact you to finalize the details.